Skills Are More Valuable Than Grades: Part 1 of 3

Joey Harris
2 min readJan 7, 2022

What you can demonstrate or do is more important than a one-time grade given at a single point in time. So focus more on developing skills than on simply getting good grades. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t care about your grades. Degrees and ratings have a role in life. But throughout your life, your skills will matter more and take you further. Things like grades and what school you went to may help you get in the door; skills will enable you to own the building.

One of the most valuable courses I ever took was…

typing. That’s right, typing. And I’m not talking about “keyboarding!” It was typing on an old Corona typewriter where you had to push down hard on each key to type, and you had to use a bottle of whiteout to put a white blob of paint over your mistakes. Why was it so valuable? Because now I can type extremely fast, without looking, on modern keyboards that require very little pressure and don’t have to worry about the cost in time, effort, and whiteout whenever I make mistakes; I backspace and type it correctly. This simple skill seems like a magical superpower in today’s age where even though almost everyone uses some sort of keyboard every day, not so many know how to type. It has saved me countless hours since most of my work as a student, teacher, consultant, and author involves writing. It has saved me lots of money in the form of saved time and increased productivity relative to not being able to type fast and well. It has even allowed me to write better since I no longer agonize over typing errors.

But what about your grades?

Come back tomorrow to find out in Part 2

This post was created with Typeshare



Joey Harris

🔍Writer, reader, author, poet, poetography, ideacrafter, Tools4Thought, student, teacher. Ancient/modern languages, outgoing introvert, ADHD.